Friday 6 May 2011

Come Tour with me Day 2, 3 and 4

Our day started early because our day  would be consumed by many kilometers. Our first stop was in Modimole where everybody had the opportunity to buy a pick-nick lunch. We departed for Tzaneen where we stopped at the Mojajes kloof Baobab tree, a real giant as you can see from that attached photo, an interesting fact about this old tree is that it's trunk is hollowed-out, to be used first as a shelter, then a Goal, and for many years a Pub, not bad for a tree of  around 1500 years. After our pick-nick under the tree we departed for our lodge in Phalaborwa. Tonight we will be listening to the traditional dancers drumming on their drums. Our lodge is so close to Kruger national park that we could hear a lion roar
Wow ! a really good omen for tomorrow's game drive in the Park .
 day three started off with a ban we spotted the lions within 3 kilometers after entering into Kruger Park, they were still feasting on a Zebra kill, best of all right next to the road two hyenas did their best to be patient. within minutes we were crowded by every conceivable car,jeep and SUV wanting to have the best possible advantage to capture the spectacle. this brings me to a point I must comment on ! there were fools hanging from their car windows and one fool actually opened his door and climbed on top of his land rover's bonnet to take his video clip. Lions are the world's most opportunistic hunters and many unsuspecting person have met their end this way! Whatever you do never, never lean out or get out of your car, it is against the rules of the Park, but it is irresponsible and dangerous.We decided to continue with our day in the Park, using a birding book or two to help us spot birds (89 species on day one in the Park!). Our day was filled with sightings of Elephant, Impala and many more, oh what a day. we all slept well after a traditional braai.

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